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2024 Jopro Development Journal

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Updates from the developer of Jopro

I love this app, it really feels like my baby compared to all the other things I've built. I'll be focusing my next efforts on building a few protocols that have strong potential to bring in customers, as well as a protocol that I use frequently.

  • EMDR is a target, as it has the most organic search and a high potential to be helpful. I'll be including information in EMDR comparing it to expressive writing which I think falls along a similar path in terms of what it's trying to accomplish (restructuring beliefs and narratives)

  • Gratitude journaling is a target, and I'll include information about the effective gratitude protocol that we want to funnel people towards which isn't aligned to the traditional gratitude journaling practice that people think of. Still it's interesting to think about and we'll be including the traditional approach alongside research about it as a means to redirecting people towards effective gratitude practices.

  • Dream journaling is a target as it's also in high search frequency. However, I'm split as it's useful to use analytics and AI to summarize repeated patterns from dreams (which is the goal of dream journaling as far as I know, though I haven't researched it in depth), but also using a phone or computer might be undesirable for remembering dreams. Most people prefer physical paper. I'll need to do some research and see what people say.

  • Finally I also want to tackle weekly win journaling that is focused on efforts. I want in particular to have my weekly wins compacted into a weekly summary, as I write them throughout the week. I'll try to promote this as my own thing for productivity, however there isn't really a place to fit this in terms of what people are searching for. It will be more to promote it on it's own. It might be interesting since it's unique to try to promote this through the media, especially if I can put together a good research article on it.

Some of the features critical to implementing these are as follows

  1. Step based journals, which has been implemented recently!

  2. The EMDR widget, which can fit into the step protocol for EMDR. e.g. a setup question, and then the widget.

  3. Synchronous analytics, that happen as part of step journals e.g. for expressive writing

  4. Asynchronous analytics, that can happen daily, weekly, etc. for weekly win aggregation or for dream journal analysis.

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